
I am pretty sure this is the same cable that will (eventually) be sold by Radio Shack. It is supposed to replace BOTH of their cables. (uses an extra  mono /stereo adaptor). They sent us a Pre-Release of this cable and while I can't lay my hands on it right now, but other than ours is a different color, it looks like the one in the picture.

You'd be pretty safe to buy it and there will be no issues with GRE's cables and our Scancat-Lite-Plus. It's just a USB to Serial cable with a different plug, and our software works with these all the time.

Best regards


Good Morning Folks
       I am interested in your scanlite plus software however I have a quick question.  I own two scanners the pro-2051 & also the pro-95.  Both in your cable designation request the radio shack model number 20-289.  However I am wondering if I can get this software to work with a USB cable I purchased from GRE.  http://www.greamerica.com/scanner.html The first cable shown here on this page.  If it can not work I have another software product that can.  I just have had good reviews on your product over the product i currently have.  If it does I would need to know how to configure the software or computer to do so.